I know; nobody takes my complaints of a heat wave seriously since I’ve moved to the great white north, but in the summer, the prairie gets to scorching on the odd day here and there. And so my oven and I? We had a little bit of a. . .brief falling out after two days of heating it up to 500 F for pizza dough applications.
Don’t worry, we’ve made up. . .and I’ve got the banana bread to prove it. Wink wink.
Even so, for a couple days, I had nothing but cold dishes on the mind - and you know what? In the heat, I don’t really feel like consuming big hunks of meat, either, no matter how delicious.
And so that’s how I came to make this cold vegetarian white bean salad. I love everything about it.
I think this is really as summer as it gets. You don’t even have to glance at your oven for this recipe, it’s the simplest thing, a matter of chopping a little red onion, a few fresh herbs, and opening a couple cans. Yes, I said cans. Shh. Nobody has to know.
And the dressing? Oh gosh, you guys, this dressing. I bet you can make it from things you already have in your pantry, and there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t. It’s light and tangy and flavorful, and very given to a little tweaking this way or that depending on what you’re pairing the dish with. I’ve got a mason jar of it in my fridge, and I’ve been shaking it up each day right before drizzling a little of it on some of the salad greens Sparky’s grandmother gave us from her garden.
Even better, unlike most salads, this bean salad only improves after a few hours (or even a couple days) in the fridge. And while I find it’s best served cold, it would definitely stand up to a pot luck buffet where it might get to room temperature instead.
As a side note, living with boys (i.e., Sparky and his brother) has made adept at feeding carnivores, and admittedly, I enjoy a good steak or a pork loin as much as the next southern barbeque baby, but when I’m cooking for myself, I find I eat vegetarian dishes as much as not. That said, there are many benefits (both for your health and for the environment) associated with cutting meat out of your diet one day a week. If you are so inclined, a protein-rich legume dish such as this makes an excellent stand-in for meat.
And if you’re serving this next to a strip loin, or (like we did) vinegar glossed chicken? That’s okay too, this dish is delish, any way you serve it.
Check after the jump for the recipe for the salad and the amazing vinaigrette that goes on it. . . Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.